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Showing posts with the label tattersalls

betting industry news roundup

Sportingbet Australia are banking on a change to betting in-running laws with this move to develop an IPTV betting platform . Racing provides the lion's share of their business but the big potential for growth is with sports betting. However due to a ludicrous piece of legislation, which is unlikely to be amended during the term of a minority government, you can only bet in-running on a sporting event via a voice call from within Australia. The Queensland govt needs more tax revenue so the easiest way to do that is put more pokies in the casinos . Evil bloody things that should be outlawed but they never will. The politicians hide behind the fact that it's no more for the state, but the fact is these ones will see far higher footfall than hidden away in a suburban pub, equalling more tax revenue and more damage to the moral fabric of Qld society. At least WA continues to resist the urge . The bidding for the UK Tote hots up with a consortium fronted by Martin Broughton lin...

Greek giant Intralot can't crack Australia

This venture, as the second lotteries company in Victoria, looked doomed from the start, considering the monopoly the incumbent Tattersall's have. They control everything, particularly the retail space which is so crucial to lottery ticket sales. Gaming giant Intralot out of luck The spectacular failings of the lottery operator have sunk to new depths and the State Government has engaged legal experts for advice on the "possible cessation of a gambling licensee's operations". Intralot have incredibly deep pockets so they can keep funding a losing venture, but surely they'll have to see some sign of improvement soon...

Ladbrokes making a move Down Under?

With the Victorian retail licence up for grabs in 2012 (TABCorp currently hold the licensed monopoly for off-course betting shops in the state of Victoria), it was only to be expected that the big players might get involved. Tabcorp might re-bid, Tattersall's/UniTAB might add to their control of Queensland and SA or perhaps a firm like Betfair might make a bid, considering they are probably favourite to buy the Tasmanian TAB. Well, UK betting giant Ladbrokes have voiced their intention to bid with a well-publicised tour of Melbourne. British betting giant wants to control punting in Victoria Here's the original market from IAS , it's changed a bit already (although Mark Read is never afraid to tweak odds purely for the publicity). Latest odds can be found here . Mainland Aussie govts are very insular. It took a 'rebel' state in Tasmania to give a licence to Betfair, I can't see a non-Australian firm getting the licence. But I've been wrong before and no doub...

Tote Tasmania up for sale

While the UK Tote can't find a buyer, mostly because of the ridiculous price they were expecting, TOTE Tasmania is being put up for sale by the Tasmanian government. Who's in the market to buy? Betfair, TABCorp, Tattersall's or perhaps a foreign company. Tas govt press release If I was framing a market, I'd mark Tattersall's as favourite, followed by Betfair as both companies already have strong relationships in Tasmania.

it's an advertising free-for-all in Australia

Well at least if you have a local licence.... In news that was expected by most of the industry, the NSW and Victorian governments have backed down and admitted that their advertising restrictions on Australian licensed betting firms from other states were unconstitutional. Rumours have been rife in recent weeks that European bookmakers such as PaddyPower and Ladbrokes have been sniffing around as well for a licence. The Aussie wagering landscape has changed forever in favour of the punter. Article from the side of the those poor suffering corporate giants the TABS here . All I can say to them is boohoo, you've screwed the punter for long enough with your repeatedly-failing websites, and a monopoly on off-course betting outlets, now it's time to face competition.

the world is over for TABCorp and Tattersall's

Well maybe not, this is a massive blow to their businesses. Herald Sun article - the pokies duopoly is to be broken up But the Australian Stock Exchange has halted trading on these firms in the meantime. Tabcorp, Tatts in trading halt This has the potential to be a fantastic decision for the people of Victoria. Take the evil machines out of the greedy corporations running the show, and into the hands of smaller venues and the local communities. Then they can make the individual decision of whether they bring benefit or ruin to their patrons. Still would prefer to see them banished forever, but that's not a realistic proposition. Hopefully a few hotels will see the light like this modern-day hero .