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Showing posts with the label steve ploubidis

the crook is dismissed

Following on from this article last week, SAJC chief executive Steve Ploubidis has been dismissed over the vote-rigging scandal. Apparently he won't get a payout which shows why racing and betting is far better regulated than the financial industry! Corruption claims key SA Jockey Club figures Time for South Australian racing to turn over a new leaf and repair the damage done by this bloke and the last few governments which have abandoned racing in the state.

A crook will try everything to save his bacon

No wonder racing in South Australia has been going backwards for years. A man with no clue in charge of racing, having famously said to a SAJC member friend of mine "we make more money from a can of Coke than we do from a $5 bet". To which the obvious response was given "yeah, but how many cans of Coke can one person have in a day???" Political wrangling has ruined racing in SA for years, the board was under pressure from members who had had enough, and he got caught rigging the votes. But of course, it never happened, it's all a big stitch-up and he wants to keep his plum job. South Australian Jockey Club chief Steve Ploubidis facing the sack Racing chief Steve Ploubidis insists he won't quit the SAJC No honour, no standing down during an investigation, just denying everything, closing ranks and sending SA racing further down the toilet... Sad, sad, sad.