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Intralot move into Morocco

Greek lottery giant Intralot have signed a deal to operate lottery and sports betting in Morocco via two state-owned companies. Intralot to run lotteries and sports betting in Morocco Greece’s Intralot said Monday that following an international procurement process, it has signed a five-year contract to undertake the technical and commercial operation of the two state-owned Moroccan lotteries, Societe de Gestion de la Loterie Nationale and La Marocaine des Jeux et des Sports. ... The Societe de Gestion de la Loterie Nationale operates national lottery games in Morocco with a core focus on draw and instant games, while La Marocaine des Jeux et des Sports holds the concession to organise sports betting games in the country. Last year gross sales reached approximately €50 million and €70 million respectively for the two lotteries. That sounds like a very good deal for Intralot. Morocco has betting shops all over the country, mostly focused on French racing when I was there several years a...