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Showing posts with the label general election

same old scratched record from Hills

In a week where the SPs for the Grand National were the highest for 20 yrs, and when politicians are talking about forcing tax-dodging bookmakers to pay their share to racing, William Hill chief executive Ralph Topping is rolling out the same tired old argument about layers on Betfair. Has he ever tried laying horses at several points above the SP? It's not a very profitable practice, and the select few who made it work have probably have given up due to the premium charge. Hills and Ladbrokes have moved their online operations offshore for no other reason than to dodge tax and levy - and yet they have the gaul to say Betfair don't pay enough tax? Tax dodgers trying to dob in another firm who they think doesn't pay enough tax.... How about forcing these alleged bookmakers to lay a decent bet to all customers and to get rid of those thieving FOBTs? The compulsion to lay a bet may sound like pie in the sky but there are moves afoot in Australian state government to force bo...

the Tote becomes a political football again

In all the posturing between Gordon Brown and David Cameron before the UK general election sometime next year, the big debate is now how are we going to pay for the mess we are in, particularly the huge government bail-out of the economy. Brown has proposed a sale of several public assets including the Tote again, the sale of which had been put on the shelf during the economic downturn. Government's £16bn sale of assets Is this what is best for the country or just the bet they can come up with to save Brown's arse as PM? As Vince Cable says in the article, "This is not a good time to sell assets." Dumping it cheaply will not serve the racing industry like it is supposed to. Here's a thought. Rather than constantly talking of selling the Tote off at a fire sale price, how about floating it? Encourage mum and dad buyers to get involved, and hopefully increase the client base as well. People who buy shares in a firm are more likely to spend money there when given a c...