In a week where the SPs for the Grand National were the highest for 20 yrs, and when politicians are talking about forcing tax-dodging bookmakers to pay their share to racing, William Hill chief executive Ralph Topping is rolling out the same tired old argument about layers on Betfair. Has he ever tried laying horses at several points above the SP? It's not a very profitable practice, and the select few who made it work have probably have given up due to the premium charge. Hills and Ladbrokes have moved their online operations offshore for no other reason than to dodge tax and levy - and yet they have the gaul to say Betfair don't pay enough tax? Tax dodgers trying to dob in another firm who they think doesn't pay enough tax.... How about forcing these alleged bookmakers to lay a decent bet to all customers and to get rid of those thieving FOBTs? The compulsion to lay a bet may sound like pie in the sky but there are moves afoot in Australian state government to force bo...
A blog about betting, trading, sport and some of the dodgy elements within them.