Still in front at the time of writing, let's keep it that way! TRIUMPH HURDLE The championship race of juvenile hurdling. This used to be the only option for juveniles, now there's a handicap as well (ah bless him, Puturhandstogether) which see trainers be more realistic with their plans if not part of the big stables. Willie Mullins has a ridiculous 11 of the 18 runners here, although none in single figures. 1. Blue Lemons - weird to see a son of Blue Point here, but he is out of a Galileo mare. One start for a nice win at Gowran Park but there'll be several better than him here. 2. Charlus - struggled to beat Holy See on Irish debut after being bought out of France. That horse finished a mile back in the Fred Winter. 3. East India Dock - useful on the Flat, now very good over hurdles. Has won all three starts in this discipline, easily over Hot Fuss, Static and Stencil respectively who were all in the Fred Winter. Two of those wins were here (one on each course), that...
Ahead on both days so far, long may it continue! As per yesterday, not a day with the razzle dazzle of the bookends but a decent-looking betting day. MARES' NOVICE Handy race this, quite a few chances. 2. Aurora Vega - will always be well supported being out of the mighty mare Quevega and in the W.Mullins camp. Has won all of her completed runs (three) over hurdles, with the one failure being when she pulled up at 1/10 at Wexford one day. She's got a decent engine this one but faces her toughest test here. 9. Jubilee Alpha - the first of two Paul Nicholls runners, she has been cleaning up mares' races at Taunton & Windsor with relative ease, and the two horses who have been second to her in those will be outsiders here. Harry Cobden said it was his best ride of the week. A strong traveller, she will look a big chance coming down the hill but how strong are her rivals this time? 10. Just A Rose - won her first race under Rules by 26L when the jockey just let her go. Ho...